What is Biotransf Project?

What is biotransf Project?

BIOTRANSF is a Leonardo da Vinci project of transfer of innovation. The aim of Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Projects “Transfer of Innovation” is to improve the quality and attractiveness of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the participating countries by transferring existing innovations to new legal, systemic, sector, linguistic, socio-cultural and geographic environments through working with transnational partners. Innovation transfer projects generate synergies by exploiting existing VET innovations.

(for read more http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/doc78_en.htm)

Biotransf General Objective:

Enhance and innovate the lifelong training of professional women working in the environmental sector, by transferring the experience developed by the project promoter in Spain to Latvia.

Specific Objective:

Transfer the results and innovations of the on-line course on bio-mass production developed by the Spanish promoter to the other European partners and develop a new training tool to be implemented in the Countries involved in the project.


Direct target group:

Professional workers from the environmental sector, paying special attention to women.

Indirect target groups:

Association of professionals of the environmental sector.

Public entities of the environmental sector.